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Developer Tools


Saleor includes a GraphQL Playground, an interactive GraphQL editor, allowing access to your Saleor instance's API through the web browser. The Playground lets you quickly familiarize yourself with the API, perform example operations, and send your first queries and mutations.


Admin authenticated playgrounds​

In the admin dashboard use CMD+'. This will open playground that has admin rights of your respective user.

Front-end playgrounds​

Each Saleor server comes with /graphql/ endpoint.

To authenticate shoppers or admins via public playground check instructions to explore non-public APIs.

Share your queries​

Use the share button in the playground to get a shareable link; always be mindful about sharing secrets in headers!

Inspectors for browsers​

You can learn about Saleor API by interacting with Dashboard or Storefront example and observing requests using browser extensions:

Chrome: GraphQL Inspector

Firefox: GraphQL DevTools


GraphQL Code Generation can automate the creation of GraphQL requests, typings and more. You can use Storefront example for reference on how to configure codegen in a Typescript project, but a similar setup can be achieved in other languages.

GraphQL clients​

Explore more tools​